Hello, Blogger!

Ah, my introductory post. This is an awkward one. On the one hand, no one has had time to find me yet, and I have my doubts that if people ever do find me anyone will bother to look back and find this post. On the other hand, do I really want to just dive right in without explaining who I am?

I decided a while ago that, unless this blog takes off in a major way, I want to be anonymous. So, I'm just Serpenthrope. You can call me Mr. Thrope, if you so desire. Or Serpy. Or whatever shortening you find most appropriate.

I'd like to say that I was raised on horror films, but sadly I wasn't. Until late High School I was very sheltered, living in a conservative home in the rural South. Shortly before I graduated, however, I happened to catch a special on Bravo called The 100 Scariest Movie Moments. I think it was the first year it aired, although Bravo played it every year at Halloween for some time (they may still play it, I don't really do television anymore). Something about that special stuck with me over the years, and as I went through college I found myself watching, and eventually actively seeking out, films from that list.

A few years ago I made it my goal to see every film on that list, and I made on-again-off-again attempts to seek them out. Then, a bit over a year ago, having seen a bit over half of them, I decided to up the ante: rather than simply watching them all, I wanted to write reviews of each of them. Maybe it seems a bit silly, but the idea appealed to me.

So I spent over a year on that project. Seeking out every last one of them by any means necessary (Amazon, Netflix, youtube, borrowing old VHSes from friends).

Now, at long last, they're ready! And I can enter to blogger community with a gigantic buffer!
I should note that while the special focused on key “moments” in the films, I do not. I considered the list my jumping-on point for the horror community. What I find memorable about films may not be the same as what others do.

My original plan was to release three a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, I've changed my mind about this. Instead, I will do one Monday, one Friday, and keep Wednesdays in reserve if I want to review a more recent film, or discuss some other horror-related subject. That way all my material won't automaticaly be over a year old.

I should also let everyone know that my rule for my Monday and Friday reviews is that I must have seen the film twice. This does not apply to Wednesday reviews, since I'm not paying to see a film twice in the theatre to review it. So, I apologize for inevitable errors in my Wednesday reviews.
With that, I suppose I've summed myself up. Any questions? Ask away! First review on Monday.
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